Broadcast Writing

Andrea Jovellanos
1 min readMay 23, 2021


In broadcast television and radio, people only get to hear you once.

There is a stark contrast between print media and broadcast because you only have one chance to be heard. It goes by rather quickly as well. Our professor gave my groupmates and me to write a broadcast about a church member that was jailed for stealing from public donations. We divided paragraphs among us and then revised accordingly. Easy to tell the story but writing one short paragraph took me long enough. Compared to how I was then, I can write a couple of hours faster now.

This our group’s final broadcast writing:

Church member jailed for stealing 1.8 million pesos from public donations.

Twenty-six-year-old Dina Natuto from Sipsipnet City is found guilty of pocketing money from the Aquovide Fellowship Church’s collection plate. The church entrusted Natuto with counting their daily donations since 2016.

A church employee caught Natuto with the money. The police investigation found that Natuto stole about 1.8 million pesos. They arrested her on June 6 last year.

Judge Malou Hwang sentenced Natuto at 2 pm today to serve three years of imprisonment and with a fine of 100 thousand pesos. She made no other statement after pleading guilty.

In broadcast television and radio, people only get to hear you once.

