English Grammar Assessment

Andrea Jovellanos
1 min readMay 23, 2021


English is not my first language. It is my second. I grew up with people mostly speaking Filipino or Ilocano. There is beauty in the complexity of each language that existed and continues to exist.

On February 16, our Professor in Broadcasting Principles and Practices tasked us to complete a grammar quiz. If the person who took the quiz trusted their intuition instead of considering rules and exceptions, then that person is doomed. I could already hear my former English teacher Rockwell Llanto and current professor Ma’am Janet Tibaldo scolding from the back of my head.

The grammar quiz reminded me that I needed to read more and revisit my English notes and lessons. To those who are brave enough to learn a new language, have fun. Indeed, we may understand one another with simple communication skills. However, would it not be better if we could understand each other better? I think language is art. Although it is bounded, it can also be boundless since a language can only survive if it can catch up to the times.



Andrea Jovellanos
Andrea Jovellanos

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